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Barn Owls

The cast of Star Warts:The Umpire Strikes Back

Creating the stage.

Setting things up.....

Rehearsing for Star Warts: The Umpire Strikes Back

Year 6 BBQ, staff vs pupils rounders and campfire- it was epic!

This is our version of Three Lions with the lyrics changed especially for the Euro 2020. Come on England!


Welcome to Barn Owls - information for parents

Year 6 Leavers Song - Don't Stop Me Now - lyrics

Year 6 Leavers song - Don't Stop Me Now (no words)

For Earth Day, we made corn tortillas, Ancient Maya style, on an open fire.

We also created pictures in the nature area using natural materials.

We joined in Young Voices ‘Biggest Sing’ world record attempt!

Barn Owls have written fantastic narratives based upon the short film ‘Teeth’

In science this week, we have been investigating how white light splits into the colours of the spectrum.

Barn Owls have designed some brilliant posters all about having good manners.

Playground leader training for the Year 5s

Barn Owls are picking up the game of Kwik Cricket really well!

Every week, more and more children are joining rounders club! We all really enjoy it!

In science we looked at how light travelled and created models to help our understanding.

We used our knowledge of history and maths (symmetry) to create Viking style brooches.

As part of our Science topic, we investigated the impact of walking and running on our heart rates.

Today we had great fun playing the Paralympic sport Boccia. Thank you Mr Haslam from Boston Sports Partnership!

Today we went to the nature area and cooked Viking bread over a campfire and made butter in the Viking style. We listened to a Viking myth whilst the bread cooked.

Viking recipes

Non-chronological reports about Viking food.

We have drawn birds of paradise to link art with our science topic.

This week, we learnt about the life of a Viking child and wrote diary accounts from a Viking child's perspective.

Fun in the snow! Please send in photos of what you have been getting up to.

Things we have been doing and making during wellbeing week.

Barn Owls were fascinated by Sir David Attenborough so we decided to make factfiles about him.

In science, we carried out an investigation into how the shape of birds' beaks had adapted depending on what they ate.

Barn Owls are also very creative. Take a look at our Viking ships!

We have been writing descriptions of animals in the style of a David Attenborough documentary!

We also wrote descriptions of our invented creature in the style of David Attenborough.

We have learnt about adaptations in science. These are the creatures that we have created.

The Lighthouse -character descriptions

The Lighthouse - setting description

Just some of the things that Barn Owls get up to when they are not doing school work...

It’s chilly today - woolly hats it is then!

We are learning about Buddhism in R.E.

Our biographies of Mary Anning (done at home and in class).

Understanding how fossils form.

Welcome to term 3!  The termly plan and knowledge organisers for this term can all be found by scrolling down to the bottom of this webpage.

Barn Owls enjoyed their Christmas party and made fantastic table decorations! We even had a video message from Santa!

It snowed! Barn Owls were very excited!

Nine Men's Morris - a traditional Anglo Saxon game - was a hit. The class got very competitive!

The Anglo Saxons made clothes by weaving wool so we tried it out. It was fun!

The Anglo Saxons carved messages using runes - a special type of alphabet. We practised writing in runes.

Did you know that there are lots of places in this area where the Anglo Saxons settled - you can identify them by their names.

We used our knowledge to design Anglo-Saxon shields to represent ourselves.

Today was Anglo Saxon Day. To further their understand the topic, the children dressed up as Anglo Saxons.

In P.E. we are studying dance. The children choreographed and performed their own version of the Haka. They succeeded in being very intimidating!

As part of out whole school day looking at the book '-ish', we created -ish drawing to illustrate moods.

We are really enjoying our Arabic culture and language online lessons with Gabriel in Dubai!

After sending our letters to the Prime Minister, we received a reply from the Department for Education!

To develop our understanding of our Anglo Saxon topic, we re-enacted the Battle of Hastings.

Children in Need Day this year was on the same day as World Kindness Day. Paddington Bear came to visit us for the day to remind us about being kind.

In Science, we looked at the different phases of the moon and why they occurred. We recreated them using Oreo cookies!

Today, we made special purple poppies; these are to remember the animals who also served in conflicts.

As part of our understanding of Remembrance Day, we looked at the role of animals in war and learnt the poem 'Flo of the Somme' off by heart and recited it. There are also videos on the video channel.

Today, we carried out an investigation to see what happened to our shadows over the day.

Professor Bubbleworks visited our school today and we extended our scientific knowledge about the weather.

As part of our RE topic on symbolism in Christianity, we visited the church and found some of the symbols.

Barn Owls had a wonderful time orienteering today at Witham Country Park. Thank you Boston Sports Partnership!

Our biographies of Gustav Holst - composer of 'The Planets'.

We have linked music and science this term as part of our 'Earth and space' topic we have learnt about Holst's composition - The Planets. We learnt the ostinato in 'Mars' and the went on to learn the ostinato in Seven Nation Army and Smoke on the Water.  We also learnt The Cups Song!  See the video channel. 

We have been looking at culture and diversity. Everyone is different and that's what makes us so special.

In support of World Mental Health Day (October 9th), Barn Owls dressed in yellow.

After sending our persuasive letters to our MP requesting that PE and sports premium funding continue, we received this letter from Nick Gibb (the minister for school standards).

We created factfiles about David Hockney using Microsoft Word.

After practising the techniques, we created landscapes in the style of David Hockney.

We studied a David Hockney landscapes and identified the artistic features the practised creating our own.

We looked at some of David Hockney's pieces of work and described them and how they made us feel.

For Roald Dahl Day and as part of our PSHE, we read The Twits and write 'good thoughts poems and wrote them onto sunbeam self portraits.

Following reading about Vashti's bad experience in her art lesson, we wrote diary entries from her point of view.

After reading 'The Dot' we all 'made our mark' and saw where it took us!

To start the year, we learned about the Rights of the Child and created a class charter based on these. All of the responsibilities were suggested by the children.

Following the persuasive letters that we wrote to our MP in June, we have received a reply!

Class timetable 2020-21

PE DAY - WEDNESDAY (Kit home every Friday to wash and bring back every Monday)

HOMEWORK - Handed out FRIDAY.  Hand in by WEDNESDAY

TIMETABLES TEST - FRIDAY (based upon the homework for that week)

SPELLING TEST - FRIDAY ( based upon the homework given on the previous Friday. An extra sheet will be given to the children on Wednesday so they can keep prcaticing even though their homework has been handed in)

READING - Every night and books to be signed.  Our reading guidelines are that Year 5 read 10 pages a night and Year 6 read 15-20.
