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Barn Owls Learning at Home

Viva la Vida backing track

Viva la Vida lyrics

Video killed the Radio Star Lyrics

High Hopes - backing track

Year 6 Leavers' Song: High Hopes

6.7.20 Weekly plan

Year 6 maths plan 6.7.20

Year 5 maths plan 6.7.20

Weekly plan wb 29.6.20

Y6 maths plan wb 29.6.20

Y5 maths plan wb 29.6.20

Please click on the link below to see our family in lockdown project.

Please click on the link below for a message from Mrs Wood.

KS2 maths revision book - excellent resources for reminding yourself how to do all of the maths concepts

Please have a look at the Barn Owls Class webpage where I will be posting examples of your fantastic home learning!

Grammar - key definitions.
