Dear Parents/Carers
The latest government guidance for schools has stipulated that all schools must continue to provide as much ventilation at all times in school, even throughout the Autumn and Winter months.
While the heating will be on in school we know that having windows and doors open will reduce the effect of the heating for the children and staff. In light of this, please could I request that you provide your child/children with warm clothing to wear e.g hat and scarf and gloves, a warm coat and leg coverings where possible.
Could I also request that if you are able to, please provide additional warm clothing for your child/children such as a fleece, spare jumper, tracksuit bottoms, leggings under skirts and school dresses (black, grey or white) and any additional warm clothing that you think your child may need.
While the children are still expected to wear school uniform and follow the school uniform policy these are additional items of clothing that may need to be worn in the classroom to enable the children to keep warm and therefore do not have to be school uniform colours with the exception of any leggings worn under skirts or dresses as an alternative to tights - these must be black, grey or white.
Please also note that leggings are not to be worn as an alternative to wearing school trousers.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.