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Relationships Education PSHE/RSHE Information for Parents

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

The Health Education and Relationships Education aspects of PSHE education is compulsory in all primary schools from September 2020. 

It is important that all children receive this content, covering topics such as friendships and how to stay safe. The Relationships Element to RSHE is statutory, however, parents have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from Sex Education content. 


The delivery of Relationships and Sex Education is nothing new to Quadring Primary School and it is a subject that we strive to continuously develop further. We teach a broad curriculum within PSHE that references many areas such as drugs, relationships, tolerance and online safety. This continues in the new guidance, along with many new areas of learning.


At Quadring Primary School, the content linked to Sex Education will be taught in Summer Term 2.  Details about content and learning objectives can be found on our whole school PSHE curriculum map. 


Our aim is for our pupils to grow up healthy, happy and safe. Relationships, Sex and Health Education is designed to equip your child with knowledge and make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a successful adult life.


The world today for young people looks very different from the way it did 20 years ago when this curriculum was last updated – these changes bring the content into the 21st century, so that it is relevant for your child. 


We are flexible and deliver content which is completely age appropriate and sensitive to the needs and backgrounds of all pupils. 


Relationships Education

Relationships Education will put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships, including with family, friends and online. Your child will be taught what a relationship is, what friendship is, what family means and who can support them. In an age-appropriate way, we will cover how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect.


By the end of primary school, your child will have been taught content on:

  • Families and people who care for me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe


Health Education

Health education aims to give your child the information they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing, to recognise issues in themselves and others, and to seek support as early as possible when issues arise.


By the end of primary school, your child will have been taught content on:

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Internet safety and harms
  • Physical health and fitness
  • Healthy eating
  • Facts and risks associated with drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • Health and prevention
  • Basic first aid
  • Changing adolescent body


Sex Education and PSHE (Primary)

We believe that pupils should be given the opportunity to access a curriculum which prepares them for the changes that adolescence brings. We are choosing to provide our pupils with a sensitive, age appropriate curriculum which includes the components of Sex Education. 


Our aims:

  • To prepare pupils for the changes that occur to their bodies, minds and emotions as a consequence of growth from childhood to adulthood.
  • To help support young people through spiritual, physical, emotional and moral development.
  • To work in partnership with parents, families and the wider community to promote positive relationships and provide effective support for young people. 


At Quadring Primary School, we will teach the Sex Education components of RSE during our PSHE lessons. 

However, if you are not happy for your child to take part, you have the right to withdraw them from any or all of it. We will then make alternative arrangements for your child for the duration of the teaching. If you would like to withdraw your child from Sex Education, you will need to complete the relevant form and return this to the Headteacher, Mrs Jameson. 


Science and Sex Education

Under the National Curriculum,  the basics of Sex Education fall within the science curriculum. The statutory content requires maintained schools to teach children about human development, including puberty, and reproduction. Please see the DfE Science Programme of Study below which includes specific content for each year group. 


In Key Stage 1, pupils will:

Be introduced to the process of reproduction and growth in animals. They should be introduced to the concepts of reproduction and growth, but not how reproduction occurs.


Key Stage 2, pupils will:

Be taught about different types of reproduction, including sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and sexual reproduction in animals. Pupils should draw a timeline to indicate stages in the growth and development of humans. They should learn about the changes experienced in puberty. 

 Relationships Education - PSHE/RSHE

  • At Quadring Primary School, our RSHE curriculum intends to prepare children for adult life, enabling our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We want our children to understand how they are developing personally and socially and we aim to provide the children with the opportunity to explore their rights and responsibilities and to learn how to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are all part of growing up. Children are given the opportunity to take responsibility and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.
  • Every child is encouraged to develop their self worth, self esteem and adopt a positive growth mind-set enabling children to develop a healthy mind. This is promoted in all subjects across our curriculum encouraging the children to take on an ‘I can’ attitude, positively preparing them for future life challenges.      



  • To help all children develop an understanding of how to build respectful relationships with others and how to keep themselves safe and healthy as they grow.
  • To enable children to learn about their own self-worth and build a positive self-esteem and the impact this has on their lives.
  • To develop children’s knowledge and understanding of their rights and responsibilities within society and our lives today.
  • To develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of developing into respectful members of society.
  • To make links with other subjects of the curriculum where appropriate and relevant.    




  • We will begin the teaching of ‘Relationships Education’ in Foundation Stage (PSHE) as the children begin developing their social skills through their play, by playing with others and making friends.
  • As the children move into Key Stage 1 they will build on their earlier skills using the curriculum guidelines for teaching and learning.
  • Strong links will be made with the teaching of other curriculum areas. . 
  • RSHE will become a stimulus and a springboard for the development of thinking and reasoning skills.
  • As they become older the children will learn about how to recognise unacceptable behaviours and will learn what to do and where they can go for help if needed.
  • Art, design technology, drama will be closely linked with RSHE as children use these subjects to communicate what they have learnt.
  • On every appropriate occasion teachers will use first-hand experience, visits and visitors to engage the children’s interest in the subject being focused on eg. School nurse visit/BLP days (Sports Relief),PCSO etc
  • Through their understanding of building friendships and resolving conflict, children will be encouraged to develop their feelings and ‘empathy and understanding for others.
  • Through their understanding of RSHE, learners will be helped to develop an understanding of the British society in which they live.        



  • RSHE will be taught and learnt in an interesting and enjoyable manner. It will have a strong presence in the ethos of the school through displays, assemblies, music and drama. All stakeholders in the school community will be encouraged to support the teaching and learning of RSHE. Pupils will develop an understanding and respect for their family, teachers, peers and anyone they come into contact with throughout their life.
  • They will grow in confident, independent and responsible adults, ready to face the world as they move onto their next milestone of starting high school when they leave us.

Consultation Letter for Parents/Carers Relationships Education

Relationships Education Parent/Carer Consultation Survey

Relationships Education Overview - Mandatory

What pupils should know by the end of Primary School

Primary Schools Guide for Parents/Carers

Frequently Asked Questions

Relationships and Sex Education Right to Withdraw form for Parents/Carers
