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Welcome to Orchard Class 2024/25

Please keep checking back here regularly for new posts about what the children have been doing and learning in class, as well as finding useful documents for you the Parents throughout the school year.

New observations and information will always be added from the top of the page.

Check out our video channel for our "Daisy the Dino" coding videos.

Video channel

After reading "Harry and the dinosaurs at the museum" we had a go at writing our names in heiroglyphics.

We used books to try and find pictures and names of our toy dinosaurs - just like Harry did in our story!

Our topic for Term 3 is... Dinosaurs!

It's Show Time!

We took part in the Boston Sports Partnership Santa Run - Fun in the fresh air and exercise, brilliant!

Whole School Pantomime Trip - He's behind you!

Supporting "Save the Children" National Christmas Jumper Day!

Our Topic for Term 2 is...

We have created our own "People Who Help Us" display by drawing round our friends, drawing on the details, colouring them in as a team and labelling them.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Orchard Class!

Happy St Andrew's Day! We made our own paper tartan to celebrate!

We have learning Road Safety! "Stop, Look, Listen, Think!"

Fire!!!!! Good job we had such a good fire fighting team on hand!

Look how creative we have been to celebrate Bonfire Night!

Practical Maths - we took our learning about data collecting on the road!

We decorated our gateway and doorway with a rangoli pattern!

Weekly Timetable for Term 2

Termly letter for Term 2

Our topic for Term 1 is... Fairy Tales!

Check out our school video channel (link below) for our Three Billy Goats Gruff videos!

Orchard Class have painted pebbles to look like the NSPCC mascot Buddy! "Speak out, Stay safe!"

Look how well our beanstalks are growing!

We have had a fab visit to our school nature area today. We looked for signs of Autumn as well as acting out our story of "The Gingerbread man" running around the trees. Great fun!

"Bigger" and "smaller" than "Nugget" our worry monster.

After reading "Jack and the Beanstalk," we made our own castle in the sky and planted our own magic beans to see if we can grow a beanstalk to the giant's castle.

Check out our "Goldilocks and the three bears" character role-playing videos on our school video channel:

As part of our "Goldilocks and the three bears," work, we made baby bear a new chair.

Orchard class are definitely settling in well and making new friends!

Orchard Class Weekly Timetable

Term 1 Parents Information Letter
