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Welcome to Orchard Class 2021/22

Please keep checking back here regularly for new posts about what the children have been doing and learning in class as well as useful documents for you the Parents throughout the school year.

New observations and information will always be added from the top of the page.

Our Topic for Term 6 is: "Our Beautiful World."

We have had some excitement in the field next to Orchard class today - the farmer was collecting and baling up the straw, which the children loved to watch!


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Home grown strawberries for snack time - yummy! We cant wait for our other fruits and vegetables to be ready!

Platinum Jubilee Tea Party

Our topic for Term 5 is..."Down on the Farm with Peter Rabbit."

Learning about "doubling" by using a mirror!

Clockwise is a great game to play, which our children loved to help us learn how to tell the time.

Super reading skills were shown by Orchard class in our caption matching activity.

Coin caterpillars - great addition of the coin values everyone!

Our topic for Term 4 is ...

Orchard class are loving their plants work this term. They have been learning the different parts of a plant and look how amazing they were at labelling the flowers they were given.

WORLD BOOK DAY - Character clues writing! We are so proud of how well all our children's writing skills are developing - letter formation, phonics knowledge, awareness of tricky word spellings and sentence structure - well done to you all!

Number Recognition Pancake Race

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Pancake race continued...

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Number fun - Counting, number recognition and ordering to 20!

Term 4 Weekly Timetable

Our Topic for Term 3 is... "What is Out There?"

“National Story Telling Week”

“Recipe for a Story” by Ella Burfoot - after listening to this story, we used a real recipe to create our own planet Earth biscuits to go with our Outer Space topic!

“We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” - then we went on our own Bear Hunt in our school nature area and found a muntjac deer!

“Mr Men and the Pirates” helped us to learn all about coding and following directions on a map!

“The Jolly Postman” - I wonder when our jolly postman will deliver our happy messages to our families?

Happy Burns Night! We have been finding out all about Scotland and how they celebrate Robert Burns! We even had a go at creating our very own paper tartan!

Whatever Next - Teddy story props. We gave our teddies space boots, a helmet and a rocket, just like in our story, which the children all found from around the classroom.

We are so impressed with the ways our children experimented with moving over a bench in our gymnastics PE session this week.

Developing our rolls in gymnastics - pencil rolls, mushroom rolls and star rolls.

Term 3 Termly Letter for Parents

Our topic for Term 2 is…

Calendar creations to help us learn about features of the four seasons!

A huge thank you to Mr Kitchen for our Nativity set - the children loved colouring and decorating each character! Haven’t they done an amazing job!

“A Stable Boy” - Nativity Ready!

National Santa Dash - Active Festive Fun!

National Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day!

“This Little Light of Mine, I’m going to let it Shine!” - Christingle

Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week

Fun Phonics on the I-Pad to help us practice the digraph sounds ch and sh - “Hairy Phonics 1”

We designed our own Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week!

STEM - Can we build a race track just like the one in our story “Albie and the Big Race.” So much trial and error, so much teamwork, so much learning, so much fun!

Will our race track work?

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Race track trial 2

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Race track trial 3

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Orchard class have had a “STEM” day based on vehicles! Such great fun whilst learning so much! Check out our videos on our school video channel too!

Taiko drumming workshop

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Taiko drumming and dancing

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Taiko drumming demonstration

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Orchard Class absolutely loved our Taiko drumming workshop!

We sculpted Diya lamps out of air-dry clay for Diwali!

Rangoli sand art for Diwali

Term 2 Newsletter Orchard Class

Happy Halloween! “What is inside a pumpkin?” “How does it feel?”

After reading “Funnybones” for Halloween - we looked at some x-ray images and had a go at drawing our own skeleton pictures.

Design your own pumpkin!

Detective mouse set us a Superheroes Footprint Measuring challenge, using the non-standard unit of cubes. This led to our whole class drawing around their feet to measure their own footprints! What a great Maths lesson we had!

“Hello Yellow Day” supporting YoungMinds

“Drop, stop and Read,” - We took part in the “Take 10” Reading for Pleasure initiative!

Subitising with “The Gingerbread Man.”

“How else could the gingerbread man get across the river?”

Gingerbread Person decorating on Purplemash on the I-pad

R,r,r,rainbow toast - phonics, letter formation and a tasty treat!

Gingerbread man fine motor control

Terrific Teamwork and Super Science - we built our own houses just like in “The Three Little Pigs” story and then used a fan to be the Wolf. Check our video channel to see our fantastic experiment and fantastic active out too!

Creating shapes with lolly sticks!

We have started to blend our phonics into simple words!

Shape Houses as part of our “Three Little Pigs” week

Painting our own self-portraits helped us to learn that “we are all different.”

To help Goldilocks say “sorry,” we made new beds and new chairs for Baby Bear!

Getting Active with Fun Parachute Games


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Can we shake the bubbles out of the bath?

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Starting School, Settling In & Making Friends!

Our topic for Term 1 is…

“Once Upon a Time.”
