Welcome to Robins Class Page!
Please check out exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am writing to let you know that following my operation at the end of August, I need to have a smaller follow up procedure next week. A mixture of Mr Kelwick, Mrs Ulyatt and Mr Hornsey will be teaching the class next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am planning to back with the class as normal on Wednesday 12th October.
I really appreciate your understanding on this matter and I can assure you the children will be very well looked after!
With thanks,
Clare Marshall
Week beginning 29.8.16
Welcome back to school. We hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing summer. A big thank you from the Key Stage 1 team for all of the lovely gifts we received at the end of term.
We have some exciting new topics to get our teeth into this term. Please open the documents below to discover what lies ahead for our class.
Mrs Marshall has had a minor operation so will not be in class until the week commencing 12.9.16. Mrs Gowers will be taking the class on most of Mrs Marshall's days of absence with Mr Kelwick taking the class on Friday 9th September. We are sure that the children will quickly settle into the new class routine but if you have any queries please come and see us at the end of the day.
Our class trip to Grimsthorpe Castle was super! The children had a wondeful time and their behaviour was impeccable.
On arrival, we were greeted by the site manager. He took us to our base for the day, which was an open barn, with seats and storage for our belongingss. Next, we enjoyed a lovely tour around the formal gardens with the head gardener. He talked to the children about the many plants, vegetables and fruits.
After this, we took a walk around the castle and found a place of shade to sit and design our own gardens for Grimsthorpe (In celebration of the 300th year of Capability Brown).Capability Brown designed the gardens hundreds of years ago.
We then walked acrosss to the wonderful covered picnic area on the edge of the adventure playground. The children ate their lunch and then played in the beautuful playground.
This just left time for ice creams, before the bus journey home :-)
Needless to say, there were also many, many toilet visits, refilling of water bottles and hand washing/gelling!
Homework 29th June 2016
This week in English we have written character descriptions of the “Rainbow Bird” a character in a book we read. Please could the children write a description of a character from a book they have read recently.
Half-Term Homework
We will be sending the children home with an extra book for the holidays and would also like the children to bring in a favourite book to discuss in English lessons in the first week back.
Homework Friday 13th and Friday 20th May
Please concentrate on daily reading with your child and making a note of this in your child's reading diaries. The children will also have spellings as normal.
Thank you
Faith Ringgold
The children have been learning about Faith Ringgold in DT. Faith was born in America in 1930 and grew up during a time of a lot of prejudice and discrimination. She became a professional artist, teacher and author. We have read one of her books, 'Tar Beach'. This is a story of a little girl who imagines she can fly over the places she is not allowed to go to. Our children have imagined where they would fly to, if they could go anywhere in the world. We asked the children to think about this;
If I could fly, I would fly…….................
to, over, across, under, inside, above……..
The children have created some beautiful first sketches of their chosen destinations. There is a small selection below. Faith is also famous for her story quilts, where she tells a story through pictures and materials joined together to make a quilt. The children will create a class story quilt using their drawings......more pictures to follow!!
Homework Friday 22nd April 2016 (for two weeks)
We have asked the children to write a biography about a famous person.
Term 5 Update
The children are really enjoying their topic of, 'It's not fair!'. They have produced some great writing and drama about Rosa Parks, the black civil rights movement, Mulala Yousafai and the treatment of women in other countries.
In RE the children have been learning about Judaism. We started by finding out about what Jews believe. We have now focused on the Jewish special book; the Torah and thought about our own special books.
Homework week beginning 7.3.16
Please could the children write a recount of India day.
A huge well done to all of the Robins for being so fantastic in the Nativity play.
Thank you also to the families of the children for coming to support us.
This Friday (4th December) will be the last week that spellings will be sent home (last test on Friday 11th December).
Please can you continue to practise words for our Christmas Show. We are looking forward to seeing you at 2pm on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th December.
Homework for the next few weeks is to complete the Super Hero writing competition. Please bring it in by 14th December.
This week, as part of our topic on weather, the children will be designing their own rain gauge. We will send these designs home in their homework books. Please could you collect the materials the children need (don't panic; they will only be simple!!) and bring them into school by Wednesday 18th November in a labelled bag.