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Orchard Class Learning at Home

Virtual Sports Week

Don't forget it is our Virtual Sports Week this week so why not have a go at some of the fun races and events on our School Closures Web page and send in your results!

Have fun whilst being Active!

Home Learning Plan Summer Term 2 Week 7

Home Learning Plan Summer Term 2 Week 6

"I can Spot" Phonicsplay Comic

"I can Spot" Comic Template

Colour by Words Birds

"Let's Go" Phonicsplay Comic

Maths Activity Mats

Counting and Ordering Numbers to 20

Outdoor Maths Challenges

Practical Subtraction

Shape Booklet

Under the sea Radio Colourings

Ocean in a Bottle

Under the sea Scissor Skills

Mrs Bray's Computer Task 5

Poster ideas for Clean Oceans

Starry Eyed Stan Workout

Home Learning Plan Summer Term 2 Week 5

Spellings Summer Term 2 Week 5

Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch Character Descriptions

Iced Sea Biscuits Design Sheet

Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch Speech Bubbles

Telescope imagination worksheet

Multiplication Snakes and Ladders

Multiplication Dice Worksheet

Map Symbols Worksheet

Map Symbols Card Matching game

Mrs Bray's Computing Task 4

Home Learning Plan Summer Term 2 Week 4

Spelling Summer Term 2 Week 4

Cup of Tea Instruction Ordering

How to make a paper aeroplane instructions

Mrs Bray's Computing Task 3

A letter from Sporkle the Alien

Brushing Teeth Pictorial Instructions Worksheet

Dobby's Doubling Story Powerpoint

Doubling Colouring In Worksheet

Three Times Dinosaurs Worksheet

Repeated Addition Powerpoint

Repeated Addition Worksheet

Seaside Holidays Now and Then Powerpoint

Home Learning Plan Summer Term 2 Week 3

Spellings Summer Term 2 Week 3

Washing Hand Pictorial Instructions

Six Steps to Scrubbing your Hands

Washing Hands Worksheet

Jam Sandwich Instructions

Jam Sandwich Instruction Matching

"Lockdown Scrapbook" powerpoint

The Rainbow Fish Sharing Song

Picnic Sharing Worksheet

Share Out Cards

Division Sum Worksheet

Sammy the Seagull Sun Safety Story

Mr Cloud Worksheet

Mrs Bray's E-Safety Task 2



It has been brought to my attention that "The Ox and the Yak" ebook on oxfordowl does not seem to be available on the Parents free ebooks list as it is on the Teachers. Apologies for this but we did not know the lists were different.

If you cannot load "The Ox and the Yak" as mentioned in this week's plan, please use "Rag the Rat" - a green level, Read, Write, Ink ebook instead which can be used in the same way.


I will ensure that any ebooks used in future planning are available for Parents.

Many thanks to those Parents who have been in touch to make me aware of this problem.


I hope you are all enjoying your lessons and having lots of fun!


Mrs Luffman

Home Learning Plan Summer Term 2 Week 2

Spellings Summer Term 2 Week 2

Starry Eyed Stan Ebook

Starry Eyed Stan Talk Cards

Starry Eyed Stan Rhyming ppt

Under the sea rhyming worksheet

Starry Eyed Stan Friendship ppt

Friendship Octopus

Pizza Fractions

Fractions Sticking Base sheet

Fraction Cut Outs

Healthy Eating Week ppt

Mrs Bray's E-Safety Task

Our very own Orchard Class, Beatrix Potter letters to our friends, families and staff.

Hello Children, Parents and Families,


Welcome back to Term 6 in Orchard Class. This term's new topic is all about "At the Seaside."

I hope this is a topic which the children will enjoy and be able to relate to a lot.

For those children and families who are staying at home over the next few weeks, I will keep adding each week's plans and activities to this webpage, as I have been doing previously, in order for you to continue learning from home as best we can.

If anyone is having difficulty printing anything off from home or can't access any of the learning, please do let me know by way of an email to and we can arrange for alternative means of sending or getting the resources to you. We are more than happy to print weekly plans, worksheets, powerpoints, quizzes etc off for you at school and have the learning packs ready in the office for collection during the week if this of help for any of you.


We look forward to welcoming some of you back into school tomorrow and hope to be able to at least see the rest of you at some point before the end of your first school year with us.

Keep working hard, we are very proud of every one of you - including Parents and Families.



Mrs Luffman

Home Learning Plan Summer Term 2 Week 1

Spellings Summer Term 2 Week 1

Nursery Rhymes Booklet

Matching the Rhyming Words

Rhyming Words Quiz

Seaside Rhyming Words Worksheet

Rhyming sentences worksheet

Seaside I Spy

Addition to 20 I Spy worksheet

Sandcastle Shape Cut and Stick

Ice-cream Money Addition

3D Shape Challenges

Seaside Maths Booklet

All about the Seaside powerpoint

Home Learning Plan Summer Term 1 Week 5

Spellings Summer Term 1 Week 5

Benjamin Bunny Trace the Words

Wanted Poster Template

Beatrix Potter's Letter

Letter Template

Peter Rabbit Time worksheet

Tell the Time Board Game

Peter Rabbit Badge Collection

We Have Some Class Pets!

Check them out on our Video Channel - our very own Jeremy Fisher's to go with our Beatrix Potter topic this term.

A huge thank you to Mrs Walters and the Walters' family as they will be keeping us up to date with the growth of our little swimmers!



Please check out our new story on the Story Time folder on our video channel: "Mog and the V.E.T" read by Mrs Devine to coincide with our learning on Pets this week. ENJOY!

Home Learning Plan: Summer Term 1, Week 4

Spellings: Summer Term 1 Week 4

Hide and Seek colouring

Complete the sentences worksheet

The Tailor of Gloucester stick puppets

What's the Time Mr Wolf Powerpoint

Clock times story

Bird watching bar chart tally

Home Learning Plan: Summer Term 1 Week 3

Spellings: Summer Term 1 Week 3

Word and Picture Matching Worksheet (Mrs Tiggywinkle)

Mrs Tiggywinkle labelling worksheet

Hedgehog bread recipe

Hedgehog biscuit recipe

Subtraction Card Game

Subtraction Board Game

Subtraction within 20 Recall Powerpoint

Hedgehog Powerpoint

Nocturnal animal sorting

Nocturnal or Diurnal Sorting (Word Version)

VE Day Powerpoint

VE Day Bunting

Invisible Ink Science Experiment

Home Learning Plan - Summer Term 1, Week 2

Spellings - Summer Term 1 Week 2

Jeremy Fisher Reading Comprehension

Jeremy Fisher Colour and Write worksheets

Africa Powerpoint

African outfit worksheet

"Ten Juicy Radishes," subtraction story is on our school video channel.

Please go to: "Children" tab - "Video Channel" - "Story Time."

Plants colour by subtraction

Frog Powerpoint

Hand/Finger print frog life cycle

Why not take a look at our school Video channel in the Children's tab on our website for this week's story, read by Mrs Devine. We hope you enjoy it!

Home Learning - Summer Term Week 1 Plan

Please find a plan below for learning activities for this week.

I will be posting plans on a weekly basis in order to keep this manageable for us all.

I have also attached all necessary learning documents/videos/books/powerpoints needed for this week's learning.

The plan below is a weekly timetable of suggested lessons for your child's education to continue as best as it can whilst having to spend this time at home. The plan is set out so that the daily Literacy and Maths activities develop through the week, however the afternoon's lessons can be done in any order if this helps.

I will also post a new set of Spellings each week as I know the children have been enjoying learning the list of words and having a spelling challenge each Friday - Please do let us know how the children get on with this.

As we all know, this is a very difficult time and sometimes things are just not possible - the most important thing for this time at home is to keep safe, stay happy and enjoy yourselves, so please do not allow these plans, which are meant for your child's enjoyment as well as having an educational benefit, to cause any unnecessary stress or anxiety.

Please do remember to share any learning with us through your child's Tapestry account or via our Orchard email:

Have fun and stay safe!

Home Learning Plan - Summer Term Week 1

Spellings Summer Term Week 1

Mouse and Cup Positional Language worksheet

Left and Right hand Worksheet

Alien Direction Grid Worksheet

Alien Grid Instructions Powerpoint

Peter Rabbit colouring pages

Peter Rabbit Cause and Effect worksheet

BP Research Powerpoint


Remember to use these curious questions and scientific senses!

Bird in a Nest spinning paper craft

Wind Power

Water Power

Elastic Band Paddle Boat

Butterfly Feeder


Foaming Monster

Balloon Rockets

Sinking Diver

Floating Flowers

Bottle Flute

Spider slider

Cress pictures

Duck Quacks

Story-time on the Video Channel

Take a look at our school website video channel where you will find another story I wanted to share with you for Easter time. Hopefully it will inspire you with some Easter baking, Bunny crafts or maybe even some wolf activities. Enjoy!

Happy Easter!

Have a go at this book scavenger hunt at home!

Mrs Luffman's Learning through Stories


I thought I'd take some time out to read you all a story - one of the things I am missing most about our school closure. 
I hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you to do some fun activities whilst at home - bug hunting, designing your own silly shell or wonderful wings or anything else you can think of, don't forget to share them with us on Tapestry. #welovebooks #learningthroughstories

("Norman the slug with the silly shell" copyright Sue Hendra 2011 with all rights reserved.)

"Norman the slug with the silly shell written by Sue Hendra. Copyright 2011 with all rights reserved to Sue Hendra.

Still image for this video

Dear Parents,


Please do remember during our school closure - however long it may be, to please keep in contact via your child's Tapestry account.

We would love to see what the children have been getting up to and really do want to keep in contact with them as much as possible. 

I am checking Tapestry daily, usually on many occasions, to find out what the children are doing and I will be marking and giving feedback to the children - just as their work and fun activities deserve. Any observations that go on Tapestry I can also add assessments to in order to keep their progress monitored.

Please upload observations, photographs, video clips or whatever you can, whenever you can - daily, weekly or just when you get chance. If you could give a little description with the media of what your child has been doing, and in particular if the work was independent or needed a little support in specific areas, that would really aid the assessments I add to each piece of work.

Thank you in advance and also thank you for all the uploads we have already received - we really do miss your children in class and it is lovely to still see them!

Keep happy, healthy and most importantly having fun!


Mrs Luffman

Home Learning Plan

Some of the websites on the above list may only work with the very latest edition of Adobe Reader on your tablet, phone or iPad. They will all work on a desktop computer or laptop.

Useful resources to help with Learning from Home.

Useful worksheets, as set out in the Learning Plan above, to add to your child's fun learning at home!
