All of the school went to see the Beauty and the Beast panto (oh yes we did!). The children thoroughly enjoyed it and we were delighted to see them all really entering into the true panto spirit!
Welcome Back Barn Owls! I am very much looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday. This term we will be studying the Anglo-Saxons, inheritance and evolution, Judaism, British values and the artist David Hockney. The long term plan for the year ahead and the class timetable (which is subject to change) are below. There will be a focus on reading and and I have devised an exciting reading challenge for you all! Homework expectations have changed this year and we no longer have the homework menu. See the attachment for details. P.E will be on a Monday, but we expect the children to have their P.E. kit in class at all times as there are sometimes changes to the timetable.
I would like to welcome Mrs Jones to the Barn Owls team. Mrs Jones will be working with the class every morning.