Quadring Cowley and Brown's Primary School is a maintained primary school and therefore maintained by Lincolnshire County Council.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please click the links below for the latest local authority information.
To find our school, please type in our school name and postcode - PE11 4SQ.
You will then be directed towards the most current Admissions Policy.
We use the County Council Admissions Policy as set out in the “Going to School in Lincolnshire” booklet which is available from the school office on request. There is a coordinated scheme for admission to Reception through the Local Authority.
The latest document is available at: https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/school-admissions/apply-school-place
Children are admitted into the school’s Foundation Unit ( Orchard Class) for their Reception Year in the September following their fourth birthday and Lincolnshire County Council coordinate admissions for all Lincolnshire Children. At Quadring Cowley and Brown's Primary School we have a School’s Admission Limit of 16 pupils.
September 2023 Admissions
If your child was born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019 they will be due to start in Reception in September 2023. If your child is due to start school for the first time in September 2023 this can be done on-line by visiting the Local Authority website; lincolnshire.gov.uk/school admissions or by contacting the School Admission team on 01522 782030. The on-line admission system for September 2023 will open on 14th November 2022. The deadline for applications is 15th January 2023. You must apply using one method only.
You will be able to view online which school your child has been offered on 17 April 2023. If you submitted a paper application, details of the offer will be posted to you and should be received by 18 April 2023.
We like to know well in advance of possible new entrants so please encourage your friends to enter their child’s name as early as possible. Government rules state that parents of children seeking admission to the Reception Year must make an application through the coordinated system operated by Lincolnshire County Council, even if parents have already contacted the school.
Parents are encouraged to view the school and ask any questions regarding their child's education.
We also encourage all prospective parents to take a look at our school website, where a wealth of information can be found about our school. The Headteacher, Mrs Jameson, will also be available to answer any questions you may have or information you would like about our school.
Mrs Jameson can be contacted via the school phone 01775 820302 or email jeanette.jameson@quadringprimary.co.uk
In addition to the central admission from we will ask parents to complete a school admission form, medical questionnaire and various permission forms. If you would like to view our school, please contact Mrs Donna Armstrong-Taylor, Office Administrator on 01775 820302 or via: enquiries@quadringprimary.co.uk
Oversubscription criteria for Reception (distance is driving distance):
In accordance with the 1996 Education Act, the allocation of school places for children with a statement of special educational needs will take place first.
The oversubscription criteria below are listed in order:
A. The child is in the care of the local authority.
B. There is a brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start.
C. The school is the nearest one to the home address.
D. The distance from the home to the school, priority will be given to the child living closest the school
The County Council shall decide which children will be admitted in accordance with county and school policy.
Parents have the right to appeal if a place at the school cannot be offered.
Please refer to the “Going to School in Lincolnshire” booklet or visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions
If parents would like to look round the school before their child is admitted or have any queries on admissions, please feel free to contact the school.
September 2023 Admissions - Appeals
Primary School - National Offer Day 17th April 2023.
Deadline for a Primary School place appeal to be recieved is 19th May 2023
Secondary School - National Offer Day 1st March 2023
Deadline for a Secondary School place appeal to be recieved is 28th March 2023
Following national offer day, parents will be able to log appeals via the appeal form on the LCC website below:
Mid -Year Admissions
If you have recently moved to the area or are looking at moving to the area and require a place for your child then please contact us to arrange an appointment to view the school and discuss the availability of places.
Application forms for a Mid-Year place can be found online at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions. In some cases you may be told that we are full in certain year groups; should this be the case school admission will advise you on the process for going to appeal