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Letter to Parents/Carers 1st January 2021

1st January 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,


Firstly, I would like to wish you all a very happy New Year and I hope that you have all had a peaceful Christmas holiday spending time relaxing with your families.


As you know, on 31st December we were placed in Tier 4 And with this brought further restrictions for our county. Being placed in Tier 4 means that there has been a significant increase in the number of reported cases and therefore an increase in the R rate for our area. While many Primary Schools in some Tier 4 areas will not be returning to school on Monday 4th, these restrictions have not yet been placed on Lincolnshire schools.


Therefore, we are looking forward to welcoming all children back to school on Monday 4th January, and resuming the educational provision that they need. Attendance from Monday 4th January is a legal statutory requirement and all attendance will continue to be monitored.


The new strain of COVID-19 brings increasing concerns and worries for everyone, and there are further restrictions to minimise the spread of COVID-19 under Tier 4 guidelines. However, please be reassured that we will be doing everything we can to minimise risks within our school as we have been doing since the children returned to school in September. Our Heath and Safety risk assessments, and all hygiene procedures will remain in place and we will continue to be as vigilant as we have been, in keeping everyone as safe as we are able to, while still maintain the high standards of teaching and learning that the children deserve.


Many of you will be worrying about certain restrictions placed upon families under the Tier 4 government guidance. Therefore, I thought it would be helpful to provide a brief reminder of the procedures we have in place and those guidelines that may affect our parents/carers with regards to school.

  • Staggered drop off and collection times will remain the same as the Autumn Term
  • Entry and exit points will remain the same for the classes as per Autumn Term
  • Procedures for Health and Safety on school grounds and at drop off and collection times in the car park and around school will be the same and we will be extremely vigilant in ensuring that all adults are adhering to these to keep everyone safe.
  • Rules around face coverings, social distancing health and hygiene remain the same when around school and also when entering school with permission. Under the Government guidance there are some adults who may be exempt from this.



  • There will be no visitors allowed into school under Tier 4 unless part of general school maintenance checks or for pre arranged meetings that cannot be held virtually.
  • Parents/Carers must not try to speak to school staff at morning drop off times or collection times to minimise contact and also to minimise the time people are waiting. If any messages need to be given please email the correct class email directly or phone the school office or speak to/email myself and the messages will be given to the relevant staff member and they will respond to you as soon as they are able.
  • Children will follow the exact the same hygiene procedures coming into school as they have been doing since September – hand washing and sanitising, taking of temperatures on arrival and no mixing of bubbles.
  • Please minimise the belongings that children bring into school – they do not need large bags with lots of additional items from home being brought into school. No items should be brought into school other than those agreed – reading books and records, homework, lunch boxes and water bottles, healthy snacks for breaktime, PE kits, coats, gloves and hats, and any other items agreed with myself or the Class Teacher.


In terms of childcare the rules set out by the Government for Tier 4 are as follows:

There are several ways that parents and carers can continue to access childcare in Tier 4 areas:

  • early years settings and childminders remain open, and you can continue to use these settings as normal
  • you can access other childcare activities (including wraparound care) where reasonably necessary to enable parents to work, seek work, attend education or training, a medical appointment or respite care
  • nannies will be able to continue to provide services, including in the home
  • parents are able to form a childcare bubble with one other household for the purposes of informal childcare, where the child is 13 or under

A childcare bubble is where one household links with one other household to provide informal childcare to anyone under 14. All adults in both households must agree to this arrangement. ‘Informal’ childcare means it is unpaid and unregistered.
Members of either household can provide childcare in a home or public place. This includes overnight care.


  • You can only have one childcare bubble with one other household. This means no household should be part of more than one childcare bubble.
  • You can only use a childcare bubble for childcare. You cannot use a childcare bubble to mix with another household for other reasons.
  • If you form a childcare bubble, it’s best if this is with a household who live locally. This will help prevent the virus spreading from an area where more people are infected

Please make sure that you keep checking your emails and the school website for any further updates and for updates to the Reconnection Recovery Plan and Risk Assessments.

While there continue to be uncertainties around the reopening of all schools, I can only follow the guidance I have been given. At the current time, the guidance is that we will be open from Monday 4th January.

If there are any changes to this or any further information, I will of course let you know as soon as I am able. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. Or if you need any help or support please also let me know.

Once again, thank you for your continuing support and cooperation. I know that if we work cooperatively as the fabulous team that we all are, that we can get through this next challenge together.

Have a fabulous rest of your weekend.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Jeanette Jameson

