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Barn Owls

Goodbye and best wishes Year Six. You are amazing and we will miss you.

Our Walk Tall winner- thank you Spalding Lions

Our Mini Police

Our fabulous cast of 'The Amazing Adventures of Superstan'

We investigated levers, gears and pulleys using Knex.

In RE, we are learning about expressions of religion through art. The class designed their own stained glass windows to represent our school.

After learning about reflection, we made periscopes. We also put our knowledge of nets to the test!

After SATs, Year 6 had a party and awards ceremony! Naturally, Jimmy - our SATs mascot- was guest of honour!

In science, we refracted white light into the spectrum using prisms.

We created our own shadow puppets and performed a story with them.

We had great fun constructing nets this afternoon.

Today, we investigated what happened to shadows when a light source got further away.

Summer Term Newsletter

A Viking from Jorvik visited us in the classroom - it was brilliant to hear about Viking life from a real life Viking! Thanks FOS for funding this.

In order to better understand the pulmonary system, we made our own model of a lung. When we pulled the 'diaphragm ' down, the lung inflated!

We created graphs to show the results of the effect of exercise on the heart investigation.

We designed our own Viking style brooches.

In science, we planned and then carried out investigations to see the effect of exercise on heart rate.

J, H and L made fantastic bookmarks and bracelets to raise money for Comic Relief.

We had lots of fun making 'blood'. It helped us understand the different components.

We also made Viking soda bread.

We sat around a campfire to eat our soup - just like the Vikings would have done. The soup was all completely eaten: some people had fourths!

We cooked split pea soup- it was delicious!

Barn Owls looked fantastic all dressed up for Viking Day today!

Barn Owls created some fantastic newspaper headlines today in preparation for writing their fake news articles.

In Science we have started learning about the circulatory system. The children played the part of red blood cells and organs of the body and travelled around the body in the same way a red blood cell would.

Barn Owls learnt about safer mobile phone use today and created dramas around a particular issue. They then came up with their own solutions and advice for what to do.

What does a soul look like? Barn Owls did a great job of drawing what theirs might look like.

After reading the book 'The Wonder Garden', we created descriptions of our creatures.

After learning about adaptations in science, we created our own creatures and annotated their adaptations.

We have created factfiles about Charles Darwin - the 'Father of Evolution'.

In RE, we have been learning about morals. To demonstrate this we learnt the story of Androcles and the Lion. The children created super storyboards!

We had a great time learning French today through playing Battleships!

In Science today, we investigated the effectiveness of different shapes of bird beaks just like Charles Darwin did.

Happy New Year for 2023. Please read the spring term newsletter for information about what we will be covering this term.

We had a brilliant Christmas party. Thank you to Friends of School for the great party food!

Barn Owls class were very excited to meet Santa today!

Well done to the 'Design a House for Santa' winners!

We had great fun doing the Santa Dash today. Can you see us through the fog?!

Well done for a fantastic class assembly Barn Owls and thank you families for coming to watch.

Year 5 and 6 did brilliantly at Sportshall Athletics today.

We also learnt how to play the game 'Nine Men's Morris' - just like Anglo -Saxon children would have done.

Our Anglo-Saxon afternoon was spent weaving.

Just like the Anglo-Saxons would have done, we cooked the stew on an open fire and then ate it. The pot was completely empty at the end!

We also made honey oatcakes. They were delicious!

We made an Anglo-Saxon stew using seasonal vegetables.

The children looked brilliant when they dressed up for Anglo-Saxon Day

In dance, the children have really enjoyed choreographing and performing their own Hakas. Please see the video channel too.

We had a super workshop from Lincolnshire Stay Safe Partnership today on staying safe online.

We created landscapes in the style of David Hockney using oil pastels and watercolours.

We investigated Anglo-Saxon settlements in our area. We found 45! You can tell by the ending of their names.

We looked at the Bayeux Tapestry and then ordered the events. Did you know it tells the story of the Battle of Hastings and the events leading up to it?

As part of our Anglo-Saxons topic, Barn Owls re-enacted the Battle of Hastings.

As part of our learning for Anti-Bullying Week, PCSO Abbots came in and did a workshop to the class with the Mini Police.

After learning about the role animals have had in war, we made purple poppies in remembrance of them.

Boston United came in to do an assembly about 'No room for racism'.

We used Oreo cookies to show the different phases of the moon.

As part of developing our understanding of Earth and Space, we investigated what happened to our shadows throughout the day.

We used excellent descriptive language and our wonderful imaginations to create poems about what kindness means to us.

We celebrated Hello Yellow Day by doing activities related to mental health.

We had a great time orienteering today with Boston Schools Sports Partnership.

Barn Owls created Joiners in the style of David Hockney. Do you recognise us?

David Hockney is the artist we are studying this term. We researched about him and then created factfiles using Word.

Thank you to EMTET who delivered a brilliant workshop today which gave us a brilliant insight into what it feels like to learn in a different language.

This week, we have learnt the order of the planets and used a variety of balls to show the relative sizes and distances between the planets.

Barn Owls created their own class charter based on the week ahead. We based it upon the United Nations convention on the Rights of the Child

Welcome to Barn Owls Class!

Autumn term newsletter

Autumn term timetable
