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Special Educational Needs Provision

Special Educational Needs Provision

Provision for pupils with disabilities and additional educational needs




At Quadring Cowley and Brown's Primary, we look at the educational needs of a pupil with disabilities and, in liaison with all other professionals involved with the pupil, plan a comprehensive learning package, which will allow for measureable learning opportunities to be put in place. This means that the pupil and all adults involved in supporting that student will meet to plan the educational provision best suited to the needs of the individual student. At all times we will work closely with parents to ensure that their child receives the very best educational experience that Quadring can offer.




At Quadring we have Equal Opportunities and SENd policies which ensure that every student is provided with equal opportunity to access all aspects of our curriculum.



Additional Educational Needs


The Governing body is confident that every pupil with additional educational needs who is currently on roll will be provided with educational support designed to cater for their individual educational requirements. The Governing body are informed of any changes of policy which may affect the education of pupils with additional educational needs and in what way the school will respond to those changes.
