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Golden Eagles

Our World War Two topic radio programme.

This has been thirteen weeks of hard work, lots of recording and rehearsing and lots of writing! Well done to all of the children and Mr Cartwright who made this all possible.

Here are some pictures from our science week work. We have looked at experiments including: rocks and soils, air resistance, water resistance and magnets.

This week in Golden Eagles, we had a visit from Paul and Dave from Gist haulage. Here are some photos from the lesson and from our outdoor learning.

Another member of Golden Eagles has created an inspiring story. Please read 'The Dog Fight' by Chloe Francis.

Videos of the children performing their songs to follow.

This week we have enjoyed learning and singing some of the popular songs from World War Two. Here are some pictures of use enjoying ourselves and singing along.

Well done to Mia Green for her achievement in violin from today! Keep up the hard work!

Today we recieved a very special message from Neville Chamberlain. It gave us a chance to think about what it would have been like to hear the declaration of war for the first time. We also completed some amazing writing through this. Well done everyone to a brilliant start to our topic of World War Two!

Please find attached a story by Matthew Harper. An excellent story and written superbly. Well done!

Welcome back to the Summer term!


I hope everyone had a well rested and enjoyable break and are now ready for our learning this term!


Golden Eagles team.

Today in Golden Eagles class, we have had a visit from Mrs. Winter who came to talk to us about flowers. We had a wonderful time and we learnt lots and lots.

This week in history, we have looked at key dates in history and putting them on a timeline learning the difference between AD and BC.

Our trip to Peterborough Mandir was excellent and the children really enjoyed it. We watched an aarti (Hindu worship) and we learnt a lot from our guide too who told us all about Hinduism. Well done for being so well behaved! The school has been invitied back thanks to us! Very well done!

Brilliant work to our certificate winners this week! Jamie Winter and Chester Vince for their work in Maths and English. Keep up the hard work!

Excellent work all the netball and dance children for partaking in events and showing how good you are! Brilliant effort and a very big well done!

Well done to our personal best children who made an improvement this week with their spellings and thier times tables! Keep up the good work!

Congratulations to Golden Eagles this week with an amazing 100% attendance! Tremendous effort and a very big well done!

Olivia Winter was given the most improved player at boccia with Mr Haslam! Well done and excellent perseverance!

We really enjoyed learning about boccia and playing a few games of it too with Mr Haslam!

Well done to our ceritficate winners this week! Fantastic effort and keep up the hard work!

Excellent work to our personal best spellers this week! Keep up the brilliant work!

Well done to our magnificent times tablers this week for scoring better than last week and for doing their times tables faster. Well done and keep up the exellent work!

Happy world book day from Golden Eagle's class!

Golden Eagle's first art and craft afternoon was really big success. Well done everyone and what beautiful things you made! I'm really impressed!

Well done to our certificate winners this week! Including: Dan Headaux, James Phillips and Dexter Fraser! Brilliant work and keep up the hard work!

On Monday 27th of February we looked at the roots of different plants and we drew, described and compared them. Also, we researched different types of roots and rooting plants.

Well done to Mason Hibbit for achieving the kindness award this week!

Wow! Amazing to see nineteen of Golden Eagles class achieved one hundred percent attendance in Term 3! Keep up the good work!

Another winner in Golden Eagles of the kindness award this week goes to Dexter Fraser! Brilliant work!

A golden Eagles member also won the staff award this week. Excellent work Chloe Francis!

Our certificate winners this week were, Zora Allen (star of the week), Oliva Winter and Chloe Francis were our Writer and Mathematician of the week too!

Golden Eagles class is also proud to present this weeks spelling superstars! Achieveing high marks or beating their previous scores! Well done!

Golden Eagles class is proud to present our times tables champions this week, scoring incredibly high marks, beating their targets and improving their score from last week. Well done all!

Some of Golden Eagles, have produced Indus Valley powerpoints. Please feel free to have a look at their research.

Our Year 3's have looked at fraction walls to find equivalent fractions and our Year 4's have looked at putting fractions on a numberline.

This afternoon we have investigated some Hindu artifacts.

Highlights from Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics

At the end of last week, to wrap up our English topic of instruction texts, the children in Year 3 made an apple crumble. Here they are showing us all how to do it!

In English this week, we have been looking at instructions and the children in Golden Eagles had to tell Mr. Wright how to make a Jam sandwich.

This week we have measured some objects in our topic of measurements. Here is what we did:

Last week our Year 3's looked at 3D shape. Here are some of their creations:

Golden Eagles have been creating their own photostory projects. Please click on the link below which will take you a new page full of videos.

For National Poetry day on Thursday 6th October, Golden Eagles class performed a poem called, 'Gran can you rap?'

Golden Eagles had so much fun making their Christmas cards (even though we knew it was a bit early!)

7th October 2016


Homework fdocuments and spellings from this week.

9th September  2016


Please find posted a copy of this weeks homework letter as well as a copy of the homework for each group in English.

Welcome back Golden Eagles!


We hope you had a great summer and are well rested for an exciting term ahead! frown


Mr Wright

Mrs Wilson

Mrs Durrant
