Goodbye Year 6. You are amazing and we will miss you. Keep shining.
Fun at the Year 6 BBQ tonight.
Well done to our 'Walk Tall' award winner sponsored by Spalding Lions Club
Our trip to Magna was very interactive and lots of fun! It consolidated our learning on forces.
On Friday, Rock Bottom rocked! Well done to all Barn Owls for an absolutely magnificent production. Your singing, dancing and acting were simply fabulous.
Pulleys were another type of machine that the Greeks invented.
We made mini mangonels. Did you know the Greeks invented levers?
Did you know that the Ancient Greeks wore laurel crowns on their heads?
We practised our peeling and chopping skills amd made very healthy tzatziki and Greek salad. Barn Owls thought they were delicious and even had seconds!
Barn Owls dressed up brilliantly for Greek Day.
Year 6 had a super PSHE session on substance awareness from We Are With You.
Sports Day 2022
PGL 2022
What's a miptor? These are!
Young Voices 2022! Please see the video channel for videos of the event.
Barn Owls put their map reading skills in to practice today. They used on Ordnance Survey map to navigate around the village and while they were there they looked out for buildings from Quadring’s Victorian past.
After learning about the parts of a flower and the role they play in pollination and plant reproduction, we dissected alstroemeria and tulip flowers.
In RE we are learning about Hinduism. To support our understanding we acted out the story of Holika and Prahlad.
After learning about the Victorian designer William Morris, the class created powerpoint presentations about him.
We continued developing our understanding of identity by learning all about diversity and discrimination. Thanks to Mrs Radzewicz from Lincolnshire County Council for a great workshop.
PCSO Abbotts and the Mini Police led a fantastic lesson on ‘Our Diverse World’. We learned all about what prejudice and stereotyping are.
The Day the Felt Tips Quit! Our fantastic book based on ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt.
World Book Day
Thank you To Mrs Hall (our well-being mentor) who led a brilliant PSHE lesson on ‘identity’.
Our beautiful Victorian handwriting.
We made our own versions of the traditional Victorian game of cup and ball. We also created optical illusion effects with thaumatropes and spinners.
Using the Victorian art of decoupage ( cutting paper and sticking it to surfaces), we decorated plant pots.
We played hopscotch and bounce eye - traditional Victorian games.
We did Victorian style drills instead of PE.
Dressing up for Victorian Day . Just like the Victorians, we didn't smile for the camera either!
Our fabulous fake news articles that Barn Owls produced as part of Safer Internet Day
Pre-learning about Greek mythology in the constellations ready for our next topic.
Inspired by Brunel!
Our engineers in action.
Better than Brunel? Barn Owls have created fantastic designs for their bridges.
Inspired by Brunel, we created bridges with a partner in gymnastics.
This week in science we carried out an investigation into the effect of sugar on yeast ( a micro-organism that we learnt about last week). First, we decided which variable to change and then considered what we needed to do to make it a fair test. Look at what happened!
Barn Owls are classification experts! Have a look at these fantastic non-chronological reports they have written.
After classifying animals and plants, we learnt about micro-organisms. We learnt about their main characteristics and with a few scientific clues, we were able to classify helpful micro-organisms.
Today, we have been playing the Paralympic sports of boccia and goalball. Thank you Mr Haslam from Boston Schools Sports Partnership.
After learning about classification keys, this week we applied our knowledge. We went to the nature area and gathered some parts of plants then created our own classification keys.
As part of understanding about the instruments of the orchestra, Mr Wood came and introduced the class to some of the brass family.
In science, we are learning about the classification of animals. We worked together in groups to classify vertebrates and invertebrates.
As part of our Victorians topic, we will be learning about Brunel and bridges: we have linked this with our gymnastics work in PE.
We wrote non-chronological reports about earthquakes and tsunamis.
Our beautifully decorated miso soup recipes.
Santa came to visit us!
We had great fun at the Christmas party!
This week, we have had the team from BOSS come in and deliver some brilliant workshops on relationships and communication.
Today we looked at how architects make buildings earthquake proof. We then designed our own structures and tested them on a shake table!
Did you know that Jomon pottery is prehistoric Japanese pottery? Barn Owls used their knowledge to sketch their own designs and them make their own Jomon figures.
We made Christingles ready for the church service tomorrow.
Well done to the Mini Police for another great workshop - this time on the ‘Fatal Four’ things that cause car accidents.
As part of our earthquakes topic, we linked up with the Natural History Museum and participated in a fantastic workshop!
Barn Owls had great fun in science investigating reversible and irreversible changes.
Following our online bullying session, we created mind maps to remind us what we learned.
As part of anti-bullying week, Barn Owls learnt all about what online bullying is and what to do to get help.
We designed posters to inform people what to do if there is an earthquake.
Drop, cover and hold. Barn Owls know what to do if there is an earthquake- just like children in Japan do.
Presenting our ‘Animals in War’ powerpoints.
After learning about the role of animals in war as part of our Remembrance Day activities, Barn Owls created and presented powerpoints.
Our 7-a-side footballers were fabulous in their tournament today!
Barn Owls have a class pet....Kiki the Tamagotchi!
We played Janken Pon ( rock, paper, scissors) in Japanese and sang ‘Atama, kata, hiza, ashi’ (Heads, shoulders, knees and toes).
Using chopsticks was tricky but Barn Owls were very skilful. We then had a race!
A very popular Japanese food is miso soup. We made it then ate it. We also tried eating wasabi peas and seaweed. The children were surprised how much they liked Japanese food!
First, we made origami frogs.....then we raced them!
The class wore brilliant Japanese themed clothes for Japanese Day.
For STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) Day we made ooblek - a non-Newtonian substance that acted as both liquid and solid depending on how we handled it.
Barn Owls were absolutely brilliant at playing the Japanese taiko drum! Many thanks to Jared at Tengu Taiko for a fantastic day.
To understand the religion of Buddhism, we took part in a guided meditation.
Our storyboards depicting the story of Buddha.
Investigating how to separate materials according to their properties.
Our Mini Police!
Our girls had a fabulous day at Boston United doing a football development day.
Thank you L for making these thoughtful stickers for the class.
We ‘dropped everything and read’ as part of the National Literacy Strategy’s Take 10 campaign. We also wore yellow to think about mental health on 'Hello Yellow Day'.
We won! Our tag rugby players were AMAZING and also fabulous ambassadors for our school. Well done!
To celebrate National Poetry Day, Barn Owls created haikus (traditional Japanese poems) about nature and The Great Wave.
After learning about The Great Wave, we created our own versions.
These fabulous bookmarks were made for the whole class by I. Thank you I!
We had a brilliant morning orienteering in the morning sunshine at Witham County Park. Thank you Boston Schools Sports Partnership!
We looked at ‘The Great Wave’ in detail and annotated it with our thoughts and ideas.
Today, we went to the nature area looking for inspiration for our haikus (Japanese style poetry).
Using Word, we created factfiles about Hokusai.
For National Fitness Day, we joined in with Boston United’s livestream
In science, we investigated which material was the best insulator and kept Mrs Wood's coffee warmest for longest. The woolly hat won!
We practised the Japanese art of origami - paper folding.
A professional footballer came from Peterborough United and gave Barn Owls a brilliant football workshop.
We looked at our rights and responsibilities under the UN convention on the rights of the child and we then created a class charter.
The Barn Owls class song ( to the tune of We Will Rock You)
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