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Term 6 - This term’s fun topic is “At the seaside!”

“Hokey Pokey” - An old fashioned end of term ice-cream treat that coincided with our learning about seaside holidays from the past.

We are so proud of the vegetables we have grown in our new Orchard vegetable patch this year!

Our papier-mâché planet Earth from “Earth Day” is finished!

BONJOUR, Happy Bastille Day!

Look who came to visit Orchard class - Tommy the tortoise!

The pupils from Gems Wellington Academy in Dubai set us a sand sculpture challenge this week as part of our International schools story reading link. Look at our fab creations!

We have set up our very own class vegetable stall from the crops we have grown ourselves! The children made their own unaided signs and were all so proud!

Simple fraction fun - “whole,” “half” or “quarter?”


We have used our seaside topic this week to help us recap 2D shapes! The children made their own seaside shape pictures and also played a roll and name shape board game. Great shape fun!

Our pupils were so excited to come back after half term to find how much their vegetables had grown. We even got to harvest and prepare our home grown radishes for snack time!

TERM 5 - This Term's Topic is Plants and Mini-Beasts

We have made our own mini-beast hotel after investigating bug habitats. Great teamwork Orchard class!

National Schools’ Football Week! So much fun learning, using the great game as a focus!

Our Sunflower seeds have started to grow! Yippee!

We have been learning to measure weight using non-standard units! Perfect, practical Maths!

We’ve celebrated Pyjamarama day with so many stories! We even got to listen to a story read by Mrs Jameson 👏🏼

High frequency word swamp! Fun phonics - jumping from word to word but we could only cross if we got the word correct! Great recognition everyone! 👏🏼

We’ve been on a flower hunt in our local environment! Look what we found!

Look what else we found on our flower hunt! DONKEYS!!!

“Sam plants a Sunflower,” now Orchard class plant their own sunflowers too!

In Maths we have been finding out about number pairs which make 10. The children loved creating their own Number bond rainbows and using them to write their own calculations. Great fun!

Orchard class have been green fingered this week - planting their own vegetables, fruits and flowers. They also made their own plant labels and safety signs to look after our seeds. We can’t wait to see how they grow, so that we can taste test them!

Orchard class completed the “Captain Tom 100 Challenge.” #ActiveMaths #Mathsisfun #CaptainTom100

Control and co-ordination is the aim in this term’s Athletics themed PE lessons!

Term 5 Curriculum Letter

Term 5 Weekly Timetable

Welcome to Term 3 in Orchard Class

Celebrating Comic Relief by dressing in red and making funny faces!

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Orchard class have had a fantastic first PE lesson back altogether. “Ball control” is the aim for this term!

We are loving our new Positive Play equipment for play-time!

Our Orchard Class pupils are so happy to be back together again!

Remote Learning for Orchard Class Pupils

Below you will find a proposed timetable of activities for your child to complete at home during Lockdown.

All relevant resources to go with these activities are also uploaded below.

Each week a new timetable of activities will be uploaded by Sunday evening (where possible) with the relevant resources for that week's activities being attached throughout the week.

Please do keep checking back here and our Orchard Class section of the "Video Channel" for any new information, videos, plans and resources.

The most important thing is to Stay Happy and Have Fun with this Remote Learning from Home!


Celebrating Learning from Term 4 Week 1

A celebration of work from Week 6! Well done everyone!

Celebrating Well-being Week!

A celebration of our learning from Week 4 - Well Done everyone!

Take a look at all the fantastic learning that is going on at home and in school! Well done and thank you to you all!

Your child may find this Phonics frieze and Word Mat useful to complete some of the activities below.

Home Learning Plan Week 1 (Weds, Thurs, Fri of this week: 6/1/21 - 8/1/21)

Bucket Worksheet

Dobby the Alien Doubling Powerpoint

Examples of Mirror Doubling activity for Maths

Cut and Stick Dinosaur Worksheet

Harry Ordering Worksheet

Ladybird Doubling Numbers to 12 Powerpoint

Ladybird Doubles to 20 Worksheet

Example of completed "Harry Story Plan" - Phonetic spelling of single word answers.

Numicon Doubles Worksheet

Number Formation Rhymes

Safer Strangers Powerpoint

Safer Strangers Poster

This term’s topic in Orchard Class is...

Welcome to Term 2 in Orchard Class

Orchard class have received a virtual message from Santa, who read us “The Night before Christmas!” He then left us some presents outside our classroom door!

Orchard Class’ Christmas Party!

Amazing labelling work showing our fantastic Phonics skills!

Orchard class enjoyed their Virtual assembly with Reverend Walters who read the Nativity story to them!

Orchard Class have been really eager at getting active this term - especially with our participation in the National Santa Dash!

Orchard Class wore their Christmas Jumpers to help raise money for Save the Children!

Orchard Class loved making their own Christingles ready for our Virtual assembly.

Orchard Class really enjoyed the snowy weather!

This weeks Star of the Week is...

It’s ok to be “Ish.”

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After reading “Ish” by Peter H. Reynolds, and having a go at painting our own “vase-ish,” we listened to this beautiful song by Emily Arrow. It really consolidated our learning about the story “Ish” and thinking about our feelings. The children loved swaying to the music and joining in with the actions!

This week we have been learning about Lollipop people as part of our Road Safety Week.

“Be Bright, Be Seen!”

International School Link - GEMS Academy Dubai

Remembrance Day

This weeks star of the week was...

Effort awards this week went to...

This terms topic is...

This week’s Phonics sounds will be (Week Commencing 02.11.20):


Monday - j

Tuesday - v

Thursday - w

Friday - x


We will not learn a new sound on Wednesday this week as we are having a Science Workshop within school so Phonics will take on a different form on this day.

Don't forget to keep posting any good work you are doing at home, especially your letter formation booklet, to us on Tapestry!

This week's Orchard Star of the Week is...

This week's Effort Awards went to...

“The Farmer’s in the field we Thank you!”

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Orchard class have created their very own Harvest song to say thank you to our Farmers who are so busy at Harvest Time.

We have also been learning all about “The Grain Chain,” so listen out for all the different stages of the production of wheat within our song - which the children chose their own words and actions for, after watching some real life video clips.

Enjoy and well done to everyone in Orchard class for such a fantastic job!

Orchard Class have been taking part in the Boston Sports Partnership X Country Challenge - They all ran 1/2 a mile around our school field! We are so proud of every one of them and they even said they loved it!

This week's Orchard Class Star of the Week is...

This week's Orchard Class effort awards went to...

This weeks Phonics - 19.10.20

In our Phonics lessons this week, we will be focusing on the digraph sounds:

ll, ff and ss

As these include letters we have already learnt individually, the children will not need to complete the letter formation activities for home work this week. Please encourage the children to develop their awareness of words containing the above digraph sounds through general discussions and individual reading books instead.

Many thanks.

This week is a consolidation week in Phonics for Orchard class so there will be no letter formation activity at the end of each day - please just focus on reading your individual reading books with the children.

This week’s Star of the Week is...

This week’s effort awards went to...

Our phonics sounds for the week commencing 05/10/20 are:


h, f, b, and l

This week’s Orchard Class Star of the Week is...

This week’s effort awards in Orchard Class, go to...

Rainbow Boogie Beebies

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To celebrate “World Rainbow Day,” Orchard class learnt a dance from Boogie Beebies.
We had such fun whilst keeping active and saying Thank you!

Fun Phonics - We used lettered bottle tops to make words that included our digraph sound of the day “ck.”

Orchard class have been learning their 2D shapes by making shape pictures - well done all of you!

This week's Phonics sounds are:


ck, e, u and r.

This week’s Star of the Week in Orchard Class is...

This week’s Orchard Class Effort Awards go to...

This week’s letters and sounds for Phonics and Homework are:

g, o, c and k


The children have been working really hard on the first letters and sounds we have covered within our Phonics lessons.


Last week's letters were: s, a, t and p

This week's letters will be: i, n, m and d


This should help with letter formation at home and the little black books we sent home for "homework."

Any observations uploaded to Tapestry regarding activities and Learning at Home would be wonderful to see.

Thank you

This week’s Orchard Class Star of the Week is...

This week’s Orchard Class Effort Awards go to...

Orchard Term 1 Curriculum Letter

Orchard Class Weekly Timetable

“The Princess and the Pea,” Body Percussion

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This week, we have read the story of “The Princess and the Pea.”
In this story, a real princess arrives at the castle door during a thunderstorm.

Today we had a go at making our very own “Percussion Thunderstorm“ by using just our bodies.
We watched and listened to a choir creating the sounds of the storm and we copied them using ideas of our own too.

The children really enjoyed doing this and showed some great ways of using their bodies and voices.
Well done to you all!

We have begun learning our Letters and Sounds this week - take a look at our brilliant practical letter formation! s, a, t, p

We have all been taking part in the "Daily Mile," walking initiative. We have really enjoyed ourselves, whilst keeping fit and staying active!

We are so proud of how confidently our new Orchard children have settled in for their first two days. Well done to you all!

Welcome Video

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Have a watch of this short video that takes you on a tour around Orchard class and it’s outdoor area.
It also shows you our brand new entrance gate which we have put in over the Summer.
We can’t wait to see you all on Thursday morning.

We are all Superheroes in Orchard Class

Our new cloakroom Rainbow display to keep us feeling bright and happy!

A little peak of what to expect inside our Orchard classroom!

Look what's awaiting you in our newly refreshed Orchard outdoor learning area!
