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A Poem from Mrs Kay Wood to our school family

Mrs Kay Wood’s poem to staff, children and families at Quadring Primary after the Celebration Assembly about making people smile:


I watched a video this afternoon that really made me smile, 🙃

It made me feel so happy and able to enjoy life for a while. 😊

Whether you are working from home or you are working hard at school,

The celebrations were wonderful with everyone following Quadring’s rule...

...Do your best, enjoy your learning, go that extra mile,

Because the result of work like this will truly make everyone smile.😊

Thank you all for putting a smile 😃 upon my face,

Just remember you are all important and all rather ace,

I send a huge smile 🤪 back, in return to you,

Keep going, stay strong, keep safe is my wish for you all - it’s true!


Keep smiling from me! Xxxxxxxxx

Mrs Wood

