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Comic Relief - Red Nose Day Friday 19th March 2021

Red Nose Day 2021

Friday 19th March

Friday 19th March is Red Nose Day and although it is difficult to think of ideas in the current situation to raise money for this great cause, we would still

really like to try if we can.

SO this year we have two ideas – one as a fundraiser and the other as a bit of fun and comedy to raise awareness of the day and also to hopefully bring a smile to everyone’s faces.


Rocking Red!

Dress in Red – We are asking children and staff to attend school on this day wearing something red/or as red as they can be. We will be doing this as a fundraiser so will be asking children and staff to donate £1 to the charity for this non-uniform day.

Unfortunately, this year we will not be allowing children or staff to wear red noses in school due to health and hygiene concerns. Please do not bring red noses into school.

Each class will have their own donation pot which the children can leave their donations in when they arrive in class on Friday.



On Friday some of the staff will be taking part in Quadring’s Masked Singer. These will be pre recorded short videos of  staff singing whilst in disguise. The children will be shown the videos and have a competition to see if they can guess who is behind the mask. There are lots of Team Points to be won for those guessing correctly!!!

The identity of the singers will be revealed at the end of the show.


See you in Red on Friday!!!!






