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Letter to parents 20th March 2020

20th March 2020



Dear Parents/Carers


Thank you for all of the support you have given to myself and the staff over the past few weeks. This has been a very unsettling time for us all.


All we can say is that we hope you all stay safe and healthy. Please take time to be together as a family and enjoy being with your loved ones.


We will miss not seeing the children every day as they bring such laughter and joy to every one of us on a daily basis. However we are looking forward to keeping in touch and finding out what the children are doing. Please, please do keep sending in emails from the children and yourselves to keep us up to date and please keep checking the school website for up to date learning and communication from your teachers and teaching assistants.


On a rather sadder note, we know that Mrs Bemrose will be retiring at the end of this term and we have been unable to give her the send off that she so rightly deserves. The children have been fabulous today, bringing her messages and cards and just saying thank you. Please be assured that when we return to school we will organise for Mrs Bemrose to come back to celebrate the wonderful years she has given to Quadring Primary School.


We are also very aware that this is such an uncertain time for our Year 6 children as we do not know when schools will reopen. Once again, I promise you that we will make sure our Year 6 children get the recognition and send off that they also deserve if these school closures are for a prolonged period of time.


We look forward to seeing you all as soon as is possible.


Take care. Be safe. Sending an enormous amount of love to you all from all of us.



All of the Quadring Staff

