18th March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers and Children
As I am sure you are all aware the Government announced today that all schools will be closed to pupils from the end of the school day on Friday 20th March until further notice.
As a staff we are extremely saddened that this has had to happen as we care deeply about all of your children and you as families. However we do understand the necessity for this to happen at such an unprecedented and uncertain time.
While we know that this may cause difficulties for many of our families, we assure you that we will do our best to maintain good communication with all of you and regular contact. We feel that this is exceedingly important for all of our children and families, and for us as staff.
The expectations from the Government and the Department of Education during the period of school closure, is that learning will continue at home via whatever method schools and families can access effectively.
Please can I reassure you that we are doing everything that we can to enable learning to continue at home. By the end of this week each child will be bringing home a letter from their Class Teacher explaining the next steps for learning and expectations, as well as two weeks of planned activities for your child to complete at home.
Further learning and support will continue to be provided by the Class Teachers for the duration of the period that the school is closed and support will also be available for all parents/carers via email and phone correspondence when required.
Unfortunately, I will also have to cancel all after school clubs tomorrow and Friday. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
One of the Government announcements today, was for schools to remain open for children of key workers and vulnerable children. However nothing was explained further, and as yet, I do not know the exact details of who this will be and how this will be planned for. I have been assured that I should know more about this tomorrow by the Local Authority and Department of Education. As soon as I am made aware of what this exactly means I will let all parents know.
In the meantime, in order to be prepared, I would ask that you let myself or the school office know if you may be one of these parents/families who this may relate to, and provide your occupation and place of work so that we can be ready for such an announcement.
I can only apologise that I am unable to clarify anything further as I do not know anything other than what I have told you and what has been announced by the Government.
If you have any questions or concerns, please can I ask that you direct these to myself so that the teachers can focus on what they need to do to make the next two days in school run as smoothly as possible for your children.
Once again, we would like to thank you for your continued support, understanding and cooperation.
Please keep you and your families as safe and healthy as possible. We look forward to the time when the children are back in school and life can return to some normality for us all.
Kind regards
Mrs J Jameson
Mrs Jameson, the Quadring Staff Team and School Governors.